School Programs
There are so many option out there for different programs you can run at your school. Here are a few that many teachers have completed and found it worth looking into. If you have completed a program at your school that is not shown on the list email use on our contact page and let us know what your doing in your schools!
Granite State 90 Day Winter Challenge
Registration remains open for the NH Governor’s Council on Physical Activity & Health Challenge. The Granite State 90 Day Winter Challenge is to be physically active for 30 minutes or more every day in the months of January, February and March. Grab a buddy or a family member and walk, snowshoe, ski, build a snowman, join an online fitness class – move however you like for 30 minutes! Join the challenge and you will have access to our 3 month Activity Calendar and online classes (Zumba, Yoga, Meditation, Cooking, etc.).
Register today at #NHMoves | #GranitesState90Day | @nhgcpah
Boost Your Cause and Build a Kinder, Healthier Future for Your Students
health. moves. minds.®, powered by Booster is designed to teach students character skills — kindness, respect, philanthropy, advocacy — and to demonstrate the importance of daily physical activity and giving back to the community.
The Fundraising Solution for Schools!
More than just another fundraiser — SHAPE America and Booster make it a whole experience! Through exciting events, valuable life lessons, and reward systems, health. moves. minds. motivates students and families to achieve their best, unlocking your school’s full fundraising potential.
How would YOU prioritize funds raised through health. moves. minds.? Improvements to your school’s facility? Field trips that foster physical activity like bowling, golf, or more? The possibilities are endless!
The health. moves. minds. fundraiser helps you:
Raise critical dollars to support school-wide priorities;
Achieve more funds for your health and PE program;
Expand your donor base to reach more supporters;
Engage the entire community; and
Build a kinder, healthier school culture.
Registration is now !
Visit to learn more or complete the health. moves. minds.®, powered by Booster Interest Form to get started.
Billion Mile Race
Do students at your school walk or run?
Those miles belong in the Billion Mile Race. Perhaps your students walk and run throughout the year as part of a regular program. Those miles belong in the Race. Does your school participate in a walk-a-thon or 5K? Tally them up and put them in. What about walk-to-school? Those count too. You get the picture. Not running but want to get started? You've landed in the right place. We've got you covered.
We know that thousands of schools have experienced the benefits of adding walking and running to the school day. Active kids simply do better - better in the classroom, better attendance, better health and fitness. We want thousands of more schools to experience the same. That's why we are uniting the efforts of schools across the nation to walk and run one billion miles. Yep, that's right, billion with a 'b'.
Passport to Winter Fun (Upper Valley)
The Passport program is an elementary school fitness program that encourages children and their families to remain physically active during New England’s long winter season. Participants track the days on which they have been active for 60 minutes or more of physical activity in their passport, progressing through levels of achievement when they have completed 10, 20, or 30 days of activity within the six-week program period. At each of these achievement milestones, the children receive their choice of a fun incentive prize.
Today, FitnessGram® is used annually in tens of thousands of schools, reaching over 10 million children across the United States. We know that data drives decisions and that we can’t manage what we don’t measure. FitnessGram® allows teachers, administrators, parents, and most importantly, students, to know, understand and make positive changes to their health, and in turn build the healthy habits needed to carry them Well. Into the Future. Click here for more information.
Get Paid to Recycle Sneakers
At GotSneakers, we’re making it socially and financially rewarding to contribute to a circular economy with our FREE sneaker recycling programs for individual sellers and organizations of all types and sizes. When you join our sneaker recycling community, you will be making a global impact AND you will earn money for every pair of sneakers you contribute.
Email Dianne Rappa for pick up and drop off of sneaker bags.
Every Child Deserves an Opportunity to Play Sports!
The National Fitness Foundation is the only congressionally chartered nonprofit focused on health and fitness. The Foundation develops corporate partnerships to help expand youth sport participation in America. Check our website out for more information! National Fitness Foundation
Help your students’ parents understand that physical education is about teaching, learning, and fun by participating in Family PE Week, October 4-8. It’s a win-win-win for students, parents, and PE teachers.
Parents who participated in 2019’s Family PE Week said it increased their understanding of what content is taught (76%) and how it is taught (79%), and 65% said that it increased the value they place on PE. Also, 81% said they participated because they wanted to show their child that they believe physical education is important!
PLEASE REGISTER HERE. Why? Because Active Schools can bring more media attention to Bring PE to Your Family Week, and physical education in general, when we are able to report a large number of participating schools.