Please participate by nominating your colleagues for an award. It’s simple…
1. Download and complete the nomination form

2. Send the completed form to Ghillian McCall (gmccall@sau53.org)


Award Categories


Teacher of the Year- 
Physical Education: Elementary, Middle, High School


Presented to a physical educator who has made significant contributions to forwarding the objectives of the NHAHPERD organization related to teaching physical education. Current NHAHPERD Member. Certified, full time physical educator with 5 or more years of service.


Current NHAHPERD Member. Certified, full time physical educator with 5 or more years of service.

Teacher of the Year- 
Health Education: Elementary, Middle, High School


Presented to a health educator who has made significant contributions to forwarding the objectives of the NHAHPERD organization related to teaching health education


Current NHAHPERD Member. Certified, full time health educator with 5 or more years of service.

Outstanding Professional Award for Recreation, Dance, Health or College Teaching


Given annually to a recreation, dance, health, or college teaching professional who has made significant contributions to forwarding the objectives of the NHAHPERD organization. Current NHAHPERD Member, with 5 or more years of service in field.


Current NHAHPERD Member, with 5 or more years of service in field

Outstanding Professional Award for Adapted Physical Education

Given annually to an adapted physical educator who has made significant contributions to forwarding the objectives of the NHAHPERD organization. Current NHAHPERD Member. Certified, full time physical educator with 5 or more years of service. Also have a minimum of 50% total teaching responsibility in physical education

Lilyan B. Wright Service Award

The Lilyan Wright Service Award recognizes an individual or organization making a significant contribution to the New Hampshire Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (NHAHPERD). This award shall be given when uniquely deserved and is therefore not necessarily an annual event, though multiple awards may be given in any year. 

The Lilyan Wright Service Award shall be awarded by the NHAHPERD. 

NHAHPERD Meritorious Achievement Award

Recognizes professionals who best exemplify exceptional and outstanding contributions to their respective disciplines. The recipient receives New Hampshire Excellence in Education Award in recognition of their leadership throughout the state during the “EDies” DOE annual celebration in June. Nominee must have been a professional member of NHAHPERD for 7 years. Nominee is recognized for achievements from the elementary, middle school (junior high), secondary or college/ university level. Nominee must have had 7 years of active involvement in the discipline for which the award will be granted. Nominee must have active involvement at the local, state or district level.

Acknowledgement Award

Recognizes an individual &/or organization in NH for contributions to the fields of health, physical education, recreation and dance. Multiple awards may be presented annually. The individual/organization should be working with the NH school systems at the elementary, middle, high school or college/university level or working in the recreation & dance fields on the community level. Examples of the following areas may be submitted: evidence of leadership, teaching proficiency & competency; evidence of dedication, creativeness, innovation in the field; evidence of community involvement; evidence of influence upon students & faculty; affiliation with professional associations; writing and lecturing in the HPERD Fields.