Join with fellow colleagues for a half-day training designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of UDL presented from the perspective of physical education. Dr. Michelle Grenier will take participants through the three UDL networks (The WHY of Learning; The WHAT of Learning; The HOW of Learning) and provide insights for applying the UDL framework to physical education. Significant time will be devoted to working in groups to delve more deeply into how UDL is embedded in lesson planning and pedagogy. Upon completion of the workshop, attendees will receive a 3 hour Professional Development Certificate.
Friday, October 19th from 8:15 AM – 11:30 AM (morning refreshments provided)
Presenter: Dr. Michelle Grenier, Adapted Physical Education Coordinator, Department of Kinesiology, University of New Hampshire
Sponsors: NHAHPERD, NH Dept. of Education, University of New Hampshire
Registration link (or email Marcia McCaffrey to receive the link via email)
Cost: <NHAHPERD member $25.00; non-member $55.00 (scholarships available)>
<Student NHAHPERD member $10.00; non-member $25.00>
Make checks payable to NHAHPERD. Send to NHAHPERD, P.O. Box 123, Bath, NH 03740
To request an invoice email NHAHPERD Executive Director Dianne Rappa: